

Tiktok recently released a new rule to suppress the single live with goods, a stone stirred a thousand layers of waves, many play the single live team are panicked!

In this article, I will briefly interpret the new rules of Tiktok live with goods, and four ways to deal with it.

▌ Interpretation of the new rules for Tiktok live delivery

This time, the new rules of Tiktok are mainly for the suppression of the broadcast room, and the pertinence is very obvious, and the illegal scenes are put on the shelf.

The first false clearance, the second product is not on the shelf, the third product is not in stock, the fourth is not in stock, and the goods are set special purchase conditions.


That is to say, Tiktok live with the natural flow of goods to play a single play to give you a net, and the punishment is very heavy, the most serious frozen funds, permanent ban.


That do not hold the single play natural flow behind the business how to pull traffic?

Except for short videos is paid.

Let's take a look at the new regulations of the paid end, the platform began to regulate the accounts of direct customers and virtual customers, and to regulate the account.

And last month began to implement the protection of the material side, so the model in the second half of the year, whether you are a natural stream or a paid stream, can only use the horizontal model.

But the natural stream with the horizontal model is pure nonsense, unless you change the push stream algorithm in the broadcast room.

Why do we have to target natural stream studios?

Very simple, let the user return to rational consumption, direct the flow of the broadcast room to the mall, so that more businesses enter the mall port.

Hold the single is a strong stay, the broadcast is to go to the supermarket, the broadcast model and traffic drainage of the mall is the most effective model.

This is also the merchandise card traffic we've been playing with lately.

If the diversion of the mall before is to pull the plug, then now is the open fire, you do not enter the mall, I do not give you a way to live, you enter my mall, you can not drop the tail, I cut an arm, business you have no way to go.

But Tiktok is a gecko, with the ability to regenerate, and the business can only be a broken tail.

The following four response measures, we must understand thoroughly, seriously to implement, otherwise you work hard to do the number is ruined, regret can be too late.

First, recently at the peak of this wave, the broadcast room must not name clearance banners, clearance posts, anchor talk do not always talk clearance.

The word "clearance" is now very sensitive and easy to be captured by the system, determining that you are a false promotion and letting you eat violations.

Second, whenever you talk about the goods in the broadcast room must be put on the shelf, and on the inventory, as long as you explain the goods for more than 20 seconds, and finally did not put on the shelf, it is easy to be captured by the system to your false promotion, and judge you violated the law.

Third, the card inventory is long, if you put the inventory card zero, and then talk about this product, as long as you talk a little longer, such as talking for more than 5 minutes, this time the system will think that you are holding the single, will play violations.
第三,卡库存 长憋单,如果你把库存卡零,然后讲这个商品,只要稍微讲久一点,比如讲了5分钟以上,这个时候系统就认为你是在憋单,就会弹违规。

So now do not open the inventory of the case, can not long hold the order.

Hold for two or three minutes, the current test is still fine, once the hold time is longer, it is very easy to be judged a violation.

Fourth, do not set the shelf conditions, for example, the number of people reached 100 people to give you a link, the number of likes reached 3000 to give you welfare, there are 200 people like to give you a wave of inventory.

This kind of behavior on the link to add inventory, set preconditions will violate the rules.

Surely someone will argue that I did this?

Just because it's okay now and then doesn't mean it's not illegal.

The level of violation monitoring of the platform is related to the traffic level of your number and the frequency of violations in the past of your number, and not being caught in a violation does not mean that you are right to do so.

There's definitely a problem with doing this all the time, and you won't be able to cry when you get cut off, withheld, and blocked.

To sum up, now all of a sudden, ten minutes, half an hour not on the inventory of that kind of play definitely can not do, absolutely illegal.

AB chain of this routine is also absolutely can not do, do not want to think about it, through the single deception interactive deception of concern do not go to do, very sure is a violation.

Now the focus of the words is to talk about the product, talk about the product for two or three minutes, a little hold for a while.

Catch and stay, and then put on the shelf at a specific point in time, do intensive trading, so the test is OK for now, but what will happen in the future remains to be seen.

For the direct broadcast room with goods, the platform will gradually weaken the weight of shallow data in the algorithm and increase the weight of e-commerce data.

So this goes on, relying on one or two explosive products to engage in natural flow of live broadcast rooms, the difficulty coefficient will be very high, not ordinary people can play.

Businesses should spend 80% of their energy on the selection and placement of products, products to be a little more, do transactions, do thousands of products, to have.

Shallow data. Don't put too much effort into it.

But through the selection of better products, through a reasonable product sequencing, product rhythm to achieve the transaction density and GPM data of the direct broadcast room, to maximize the weight of e-commerce data indicators to him, which is the right direction for the direct broadcast room to do the flow.

I also want to rely on holding it in, cheating on interaction, cheating on attention, so as to pull up the online broadcast room, this kind of day I tell you gone forever, either can not pull up, or directly give you a violation of the flow limit.

People can not always live in the past, what we have to do is to adapt to the new rules, upgrade their thinking and playing style.

There is no way to do e-commerce will never change is to constantly respond to change.

In short, the internal volume era, the stock game!


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