

Have ushered in the annual e-commerce festival 618, this year 618 is very favorable for fish shop sellers, based on some new service fee policies, in order to keep sellers, salted fish is placed on the home page of a treasure to recommend, you can enjoy the S-level traffic brought by 618 activities.

In recent times, sellers are particularly prone to polarization, with a large number of traffic into, understand the operation of the seller traffic will surge, orders will increase, and vice versa will accelerate the deterioration, after summing up a set of 618 this year's operation plan, as well as the store to enhance the exposure of two operations, skilled use can make the exposure to reach the peak in a short period of time, free to share with you.

The first, 618 operation plan

We enter the salted fish from a treasure home page, the first time you will see the home page guess you like, the more people you see, the more exposure will be, the greater the chance of transaction, so find a way to make the product appear on the home page guess you like is the primary purpose of operation, we found that catering likes to push three types of products.

1, the new release of the product, the new number refers to no account association, and there is no systematic sale of the account, the system will give a period of support, support period products will be recommended in the home page only like, the recent period of new number efficiency is very high.

2, the long-term use of the promotion of the baby, after testing, only the long-term use of the promotion of the baby will be recommended, the baby at the beginning of the promotion will not be recommended, because the baby label just involved in the promotion is not perfect, the system can not identify the audience, so the flow is relatively extensive, long-term recommendation helps the system to identify the audience, accurate recommendation.

The longer the baby promotion time, the more frequently it will appear on the home page.

3. The ultimate goal of the baby platform with high data quality is to let more people come to the platform and enjoy the perfect shopping experience.

The first data to be assessed is exposure transfer browsing, excellent sellers can do about 1/20, followed by browsing transfer I want excellent sellers to do about 1/3, the rest of the consultation transfer transaction, transaction transfer praise, and some negative data.

Different industries, the proportion is different, need to be calculated according to the peer store data.

The above data optimization methods and calculation methods, previously explained in a separate video, as long as the excellent level, baby is easy to appear in the catering, like flexible use of the above methods, can help you get more orders in 618.

Second, the store to enhance exposure

The more exposure, the more orders will be made, the essence of doing salted fish is to find a way to improve the exposure, the exposure platform is defined as the number of displays of goods, that is, people who pass through the baby, search for any baby pull down across who, who will rise a little exposure, so want to stay exposed, you must let the baby appear in a position that allows more people to pass through.

Below the specific operation method free to share with you.

First of all, open the salted fish, the exposure of these babies must be high, open the leisure fish mandatory through it, the exposure is difficult to low, but only the products recommended by the system will appear on the home page to participate in like to be recommended, you need to understand the system's recommendation mechanism, the platform must hope that more users place orders on the platform,

So the platform will give priority to products that can get more users to place orders.


The users who come to buy things are holding a leak mentality, the same product customers feel that they can pick up the leak will place an order, only let the platform know that your product can let the buyer pick up the leak will be recommended, intuitively speaking, the lower the price, the more they can pick up the leak.

Therefore, the first routine to enhance the exposure is in the product pricing, the salted fish pricing is pricing, the selling price is selling price, only the virtual price, the exposure will be more.

Typical cases on salted fish are numerous, but only by low drainage can not let the baby reach the peak exposure, but also need to add hooks to the title of the product, in order to let the exposure reach the peak, such as clearing inventory, the last 20 pieces, pick up leaks, etc., so that you can increase the sense of urgency of customers, coupled with low price drainage, exposure soared naturally.


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