

Yesterday, when I was brushing money, I found a very good project with poor information, which is mainly aimed at little Red Book. At present, the e-commerce project of little Red book can be said to be very popular in the market, and there are many bloggers doing traffic on it. Most of the bloggers are guided to the personal number transaction through the fan group.

But at present do the small red book fan group, which will be mixed into a lot of peers to send advertising, this is not avoidable, many groups can only be manually measured back, so the operation is very troublesome, do traffic at the same time, also have to stare at the fan group, see if there is no peer advertising.

Before the old version of the little red book, the fan group can open the gagging, but now after the version update, there is no fan group gagging function, so there is a poor information, that is, as long as the little red book version, replaced by the old version, you can set the fan group gagging function.

But most of the small red book bloggers, do not know how to set the fan group gagging, so we can go to sell this method, or tutorial, some people through this method, to help others set the small red book fan group gagging, a single charge of 99, a day can earn about 500-1000.

Specific how to operate, in fact, is relatively simple, is to use the small red book account, to add a variety of industry blogger fan groups, directly to the group to send this kind of advertising, as shown in the figure below, this is to see peer operation, you can directly learn from, or modify the content can also be.


At the same time, you can also direct private letter opened the fan group of the blogger, tell him that you can help him set up, fan group gagging function, most of the small red book blogger, should be willing to spend this money, to buy this function, because for their income, spend a little money can solve the problem is very happy.

As for the charge price, you can charge a single 99, you can also charge a single 66, completely depends on your own pricing, this information is also just appeared, because there is no threshold, so to operate the partner should be more, a few orders a day, a day to earn 300-500, really not difficult.

You can also take a look at your own version of Little Red book. I took a look at my version of Little Red Book, which is currently the version of v7.87. This version does not have the function of banning fans, so if we operate, we need to download the old version of Little Red book.


Peers have been tested, need to find the old version of v7.52 can be found, which directly open the group gag function, the operation is very simple, is to log in to the account, find the group Settings, you can see whether there is this function.


This detection function is also very simple, as long as it is group management, you can open this function, that is, others set you group management, you can open, or you are the host of the group, you can also directly set the gagging function.

At present, this project with poor information has just appeared. I believe that in a period of time, there will be a lot of peers entering, and then to operate. The transaction may not be as good as it is now.

The download address for the old version of the Little Red book,

Old version of Little Red book Wandoujia app market download address:

This address can only download, Android system Little Red book, Apple system, you can Baidu yourself.

Well, that's it for today. I hope you found it helpful.


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