

Recently, I found a small project. A friend in the group is currently working on this project, and the monthly income can reach about 1W stably. I summarized his practical experience in operating this project, which is to help merchants upgrade their shop WiFi for free.

First, project introduction

Recently, the popular promotion of business WiFi code project, through technical means to help businesses to the store's entire WiFi and password upgrade into two-dimensional code, consumers only need to use mobile phones on the table to scan the code, instant can connect to the store WiFi, promoters can make money.

Usually many friends are three or five people to eat, sometimes want to watch videos, play games, generally will go to the store WiFi connection.

The first step is to ask the boss what is the name of the WiFi in the store, and how much is the password?

The second step, find the WiFi, enter a string of WiFi password, is not very troublesome, then scan the code to connect WiFi is a perfect solution to these two pain points.

Promoters make money based on the principle that customers do not connect immediately after scanning WiFi code. They need to watch a 30-second advertisement to connect successfully. Every time they watch, promoters can earn 30 cents to 1.30 percent of advertising revenue.

Like most games on the small program, in essence is to earn a message advertisers income, if you want to do this project, just need to go to the offline store to discuss with the boss, in the store with the store exclusive WiFi code on the line, as long as someone sweep the code you will make money.

So the business does not agree to do, first of all, as a promoter, must need a certain conversation and promotion skills, to let the boss understand, so as to solve the customer's pain points, but also to improve the efficiency of the shop staff, must emphasize the security of the business WiFi network, WiFi is completely their own shop advertising, no virus, will not leak information.

The boss still does not agree, directly give him dividends points profit, as long as the money is in place, what can not be done, the current project market, such a level of agents on the market or more, background operation is much the same, generally divided into agents backstage, promoters backstage, business backstage, if you want to develop the team to do, directly take the agent backstage can give your staff.

Open promoters background, large agents may set a certain threshold, if it is a single operation, apply for promoters background is OK, promoters background can open business background, good to talk to businesses about cooperation, if you have got the qualification of promoters can continue to operate.

Second, how to operate

The first step, ready to promote the material two-dimensional code, you can buy in big agents, you can also print, it is best to go to a treasure custom promotion WiFi code advertising T-shirt, so it looks more formal, higher degree of trust.

The second step, talk about businesses, any business can promote, promote the words I have finished, focus on talking about hotels, bath and pedicure shops, barber shops, restaurants, training institutions, small clinics, amusement parks, etc., the background can directly invite businesses to open, business background set bonuses, businesses scan our ready pure code, you can configure your own home WiFi,

And then wait for the payoff.

Third, note

The most important input in the early stage of the project is the cost of materials and advertising clothes. The cost of a material advertisement is about 30 cents. At the beginning of the early stage, it is enough to prepare 500 sheets with a cost of 100 yuan.

If you can promote ten stores a day, you can accumulate 300 stores in a month, each store has an average of 30 customers a day to scan the code, 30 stores can be swept 9000 times, three times of advertising is divided into 30 cents, then 9000 times profit 2700, and remove half of the dividend to the business, the daily profit can also be 1350.

To find agents, you can search for WiFi code keywords on various short video platforms, software stores, and certain platforms, and you will be able to find the first-level agents on various platforms, shop around, compare whether there is an agent threshold, and make a comprehensive comparison of revenue sharing.


Customers do not need to ask the boss the name and password of WiFi, let alone input field password, merchants save time, and additional dividends, our low cost, only need to promote can have advertising revenue, also have sorted out the actual gameplay of this project documents, if you are interested in this matter, you can ask me to get.


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