

Today share saltfish book play, book products are saltfish in addition to digital, can make money stable products, the current personal account published book limit is 50 books, if you want to break the limit into 500 books, you must handle the publication license is, in the saltfish investment certification to become a business, the following specific operation and rules.

First, preparation

1. One machine and one card

No matter which category the operation is salted fish, it is the same, because it is clearly written in the rules, one of which is the account correlation violation, we must understand the rules of the platform before doing salted fish.


2. Account Number

A person can register three Alipay accounts, a number can register three Xianyu numbers, and a business license and publication license can be recognized at the same time three numbers, but the three accounts of the real name information must be consistent with the license legal person, we have their own license channels, if necessary can consult, the cycle is generally within 20 days, which is a threshold restricting many people.

3. Number of releases

Before the highest number can release 3000 books, but now a number can release up to 500 links, so the play can not do simple and rough shop goods, according to the sales ranking in the past, what books are directly on what books, but now must be refined selection.

Second, how to choose products

1. Supply of goods

At present, most of the shipments are Kongfuzi second-hand network, followed by the Somali platform, the retail pricing of the book can refer to the price of the e-commerce platform, not higher than a treasure, an east, the profit of each book is about 5 to 20, the book itself is the fast consumer goods, although the profit is limited, but in the quantity of salted fish is not difficult.


Somalia is generally free mail, Confucius will have 6 to 10 pieces of postage, some books are very poor quality, in salty fish may produce about 10% return, but a return, you in the free fish or free mail, it means to lose in Confucius shipping freight, this is not controllable factors, but the overall figure is still money.

2. Delivery

We find the city where the seller's delivery address is, and fill in one at will. If it is Soma, the delivery will send a short message to the buyer or the delivery number, with the logo. There are often three solutions, either to give the buyer a reasonable explanation, such as the book's thin profit, so it is the price logistics.

They'll have a logo, they'll say they're on other platforms, or they'll ask the seller if they can ship the goods without a trace.

3. Select products

At present, there are three categories of good books to sell: teaching supplement (more subdivided), textual research textbooks (postgraduate entrance examination, English CET-4 and CET-6), generally in the hole network is based on sales from high to low brainless to go on,

Or in a treasure, an east according to the sales ranking, the crowd to buy are students, before and after the school season is the peak season, children's picture books, novels, novels are better to sell, but we must pay attention to don't banned books and banned author's books, otherwise it will be illegal penalty points.

4. Release

An account to keep on about 10-20 links every day, it is best to only do one type of book each account, conducive to people set, at present a number can only release 500 links, that is, 500 books, all the books on the shelf in addition to adhere to polish every day, beyond a week no sales of books off the shelf other links, do not waste space.


Third, note

1, mobile phone release to scan the IBSN code behind the book, we do is no source of delivery, in a certain degree of search idler butler, bound salt fish account, with the computer release will not fill in the ISBN code, relatively simple and rough, can also go to the bookstore to find the book to be put on the shelf, take photos of the IBSN code, with the mobile phone scan, indeed can sweep on, is a little trouble.

2. How to do the first picture, detail picture and content copy, the first picture is not recommended to move directly to the e-commerce platform, the click rate is relatively low, it is best to take the actual picture of the book, you can go to the commodity evaluation or small sweet potato, copywriting to find a pair of standard account direct imitation on the line, the title should contain the legitimate, second-hand books, no notes scratches, title and other keywords,

After the book is put on the shelf, you can use your other account several times. I want to, because I want data by counting the number of times you click the button in the lower right corner to enter the chat window.

3, batch operation, saltfish books a person can operate 9 number is no problem, if a number is the distribution mode, a month can output difference of 1500 to 3000 or so, the distribution of goods often will not be too concerned about the selection, the first picture, copy quality.


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