

Today, I will break down an answer project of some Hu, which is a good sideline idea. By moving bricks without thinking, you can also achieve 100+ per day. Although the profit is not high, it is relatively stable, so you can still try it.

First, project introduction

The unit price of answer in some Hu is not low, and many people are charging for this project, and the cost is not low. This project can indeed be done, and it is not difficult, and the profit is quite good. There is no problem to earn tens or hundreds of dollars a day, and the most important thing is the operation, which can only be defined as the project of moving bricks.

In fact, it is similar to the answer of a certain degree, which is to earn income by answering questions. Some questions can get about 60 yuan, which is very good. The only disadvantage is that the requirement may be higher than that of a certain degree, after all, a certain degree pays attention to originality, and a certain level of writing skills may be better, and the creation can be achieved by carrying.


Second, how to operate

1, account, first of all must register a call sign, most small partners have an account, if you want to achieve a little more income, just get a few more, and then into the personal center home page, see if there is no wallet icon, if not to open it, or there is no way to get a red envelope,

2, Answer the question, look for the red envelope question, follow some of the official accounts or brand accounts of some Hu, such as some car, some digital, they will often release the red envelope question, you can check the latest added question in their feed, follow some users actively answer the red envelope question, they will help you find some red envelope question,

You can view their concerns or answers on the home page or in the feed.


Click on the answer link and you can see how big the red packet is and how many parts it is divided into. For example, 400 pieces of 2000 yuan is divided into five pieces for each answer. As long as you follow the requirements, you can get 100% of the five pieces.

For example, the number of words, picture requirements, this is more easy to include, we must understand the skills, not just say a few words.


3, find the answer, as long as the content matches the title, basically can pass, where to find the answer.

First, AI tools

Combined with the current most heated artificial intelligence AI, as long as the questions to be asked through the way, he will be able to appear original articles, equal to a powerful machine, can let you automatically answer the question, directly copy and paste the question in the past.

The second, transport

If you do not use artificial intelligence tools then directly handling, copy the title to other search engines inside the search answer, to copy, no pictures with a few pictures inserted in, but there may be a repetition rate, handling no original pass rate is high, so I think it is best to use artificial intelligence.

Third, platform search

Compare the method of small white new people, copy the title, and then paste to a sound, a hand, a sweet potato platform, to find similar works, and then save the works, with a specific software to extract the work inside the copy, and then find a few similar pictures, modify the copy is original, or copy the title to an earth to search the article,

You can also change the content appropriately. In fact, the idea is unified, and there is no big difference with a certain degree of answer. After answering the question, you can obtain benefits.

A lot of number master will go to collect these issues, can handle it, can not handle it to do their own pseudo-original, and even the use of artificial AI, save time, the key is to give priority to answer the answer there is a place, such as 1000 red envelopes only hundreds of answer questions, you can answer the red envelope.

If each question requirements inside are first come first served, then you have to register a few more accounts, answer the same question, so that the income can be done, although the income is not necessarily a lot, but do not do certainly is not, like this is defined as a brainless brick project, or can use your spare time to operate.


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