

Today, I would like to share with you two side projects, business license and script killing projects. They are just needed projects, which can be done for a long time. They are fun and can make money.
今天和大家分享两个副业项目,代办营业执照和剧本杀项目,属于刚需项目,长期可做,好玩又能赚钱,做的好的一个月8000 ,简单新手易上手。

First, agent business license

1. Project introduction

The use of the license is too much, especially we do the Internet, e-commerce to enter the use of Tmall, Jingdong, Pinduoduo, Douyin store and so on, public account, enterprise Douyin, enterprise Kuaishou, enterprise wechat, as well as authentication account, application for some payment interface and so on.

Network people are reluctant to deal with physical things, such as registering a license rather than running. What can be done through the network can be done on the network, even if it costs a little money.

For example, shop group, usually more than ten license processing, such things are generally looking for agents, money to do things easily, only do their own good, which has formed a large market, go to Taobao search for business license processing will know, 1w sales.
比如开店群的,通常十多个执照办理,这样的事情一般都找代办的,花钱办事轻松,只做自己擅长的,这就形成了很大的市场,去淘宝上搜搜营业执照办理就知道了,1w 的销量都有。


2. How to handle it

In fact, there is no need to go to the entity business can handle the license, now there are online channels, and no money, ready to prepare materials, online submission of information, review, go offline to take this on the line,

And there are instructions everywhere, that is, I am in Jiangsu, I can also give Shanghai customers, whether individual or enterprise, online can be handled online, are free of money, mainly to prepare the car information on the line, the specific fill in the submission tutorial can go to find.

Know how to handle online, that is to take orders to make money, Taobao, Xianyu, Pinduoduo, Douyin shop can open shop to take orders, handling are real and effective, the whole network can be checked,

Individual price 100 to 200 yuan, a single enterprise price 300 to 500 yuan, we just submit the information, no cost, these are pure income, this is the agent business license project, there is a market demand, we meet the demand on the benefit.

Second, the script kills the project

To write is not to write, most people do not have the ability, but today the project is most people can do, now the script kill is very popular, huge demand, sales are huge, script kill is virtual resources, low cost profit, find a script kill the public number, the public number updated part of the script kill content.


This link has a sales volume of more than 6000 orders, the unit price is 4 yuan, and the goods are automatically delivered when the red envelope is snapped. This store has a sales volume of more than 1000 orders, and there are more than 1000 stores in the store. The turnover is as high as 180 within less than a year after opening.

The price is eight yuan on Taobao, you can buy 2,000 books of the collection.


Let's use the personal identity to register the public number, the public number name reference peers, and then set the order column and automatic reply, micro store is very good, after the opening of the goods on the shelf can be, the supply of goods in Taobao, more than a few yuan packaging, can also go to other peers to buy, and then can be in hundreds of numbers, Baidu post bar, Zhihu, B station, Douban, micro blog to promote,

Post this script in the form of text on station B.


After the first script, the second, many people will direct messages or attention, he can put a picture, the picture has its own public, no. This is the guide to the public, such as the headlines again released reveal plot articles to write, also can put a picture in the article, image left his public, the public, the above push shop, shop set up automatic delivery, the project is simple, easy to operate,

Mainly to learn more about the promotion of peers.


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