

Today to dismantle a Qiyi moving brick project, do a good month into 5000 no problem, novice white is also suitable to do, it is important to find the right way, 10,000 broadcast about four pieces, not very high, and the demand for the original is not particularly strict, so a little clip is the original, and finally shared a few news AI super artifact.

The first one, a Qiyi moving brick

The operation is also relatively simple. Download a certain Qiyi platform, click my, click the creation center, go to the creation center to find the window that invites you to join, choose to enter the "we media", and choose to join. The operation is very simple.


Select individuals, and their names are divided according to the fields they want to do. For example, if you are doing film editing, you can call "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and "X" and so on.

And it is easier to accept, and the crowd is more accurate. If you want to try other categories, you can look at the hot spots and recommendations on the home page and find some funny and quadratic works.


Look for works with more likes and plays to see how others edit, and how to make up the column. No matter which track you do, the most important thing is to imitate peers to learn from each other, but this may require a certain amount of editing skills. If you can't edit, you can go to b station, certain sound, certain degree and other websites to find materials.

For example, enter the keywords of film and television material randomly on Baidu to find the website, and then use the free material through the editing software, switch the ratio, plus background music, to carry out the double creation operation. The editing software can be used to cut film.

If you don't edit at all, you can also go to other platforms, open a film recording screen, five to ten minutes to record once, after watching a movie, how can you record 10 to 20 works, with software and background music, simply cut it out.

It is suggested to go to a hand recording, film a month five dollars, and there is no watermark, overall project idea is very simple, there is no need to spend more than ten thousand to learn things, do suggest first in the platform to observe what kind of field works are easy to hit, have the amount of play, then consider what field to do, after the name definition do not modify, must do vertical dimension,

Don't upload everything.

There are a lot of free software and tools, you can just go and find them. After you get everything ready, the number of people who adhere to the original label every day, you must remember to open the original label when uploading. If you don't open the original label, there may be no revenue.

And do this kind of project, do not spend a lot of time to deliberately cut very fine works, may spend a lot of thought of the work did not play, random hair instead of fire, as long as it is able to be original, how fast how to come, quantity rather than quality.

The second, the third one AI super artifact


1, arc lab, quick portrait matting, portrait repair, animation enhancement, all kinds of picture processing functions.

2, smart film, can generate AI anchor powerful tool, just paste the copy in, it will automatically broadcast, the effect is very real, almost no difference with real people, if you do not want to show your face, do not want to shoot video, this artifact can free hands, live can also be used.

3, Effidit, if you do not know how to write copy, or do not know how to create and modify, you can use this intelligent copy generator, directly paste the copy in, you can polish, complete the content, no login, completely free, tools combined use can quickly and efficiently produce video.


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