

As is known to all, many people in the society are more or less faced with some emotional problems, so emotional recovery and marriage repair is definitely one of the most violent industries. The profit of a transaction is as little as thousands, more than hundreds of thousands, because what they sell is service, and service is non-standard. In the short video, there are a large number of people engaged in the diversion and transformation of the emotional counseling industry.


First, project introduction

The cost of an emotional customer is about 100, that is to say, you drainage ten precise customers a day, equivalent to about 1000 profits, if you also want to engage in the industry of emotional counseling, must get the family marriage division and psychological counselors two certificates, spread positive energy, emotional field of customer needs mainly divided into love recovery and marriage repair,

Second, drainage to customers

How to get emotional fans? In fact, every team has its own way to get customers. The framework of gaining customers is similar, that is, on the short video platform.

Batch release of gender emotion related content, the customers who have emotional distress drainage to private domain, one to one paid consultation transaction, from easy to difficult, can be divided into the following four drainage ways.

Book number drainage, mask number drainage, mixed shear number drainage, real population drainage

1, book number drainage, book number is a pure color background, coupled with emotional copy, plus sad music made into a book list, video is very simple, copywriting can go online to collect the same, such as the boys before breaking up the ten performance, why the boys will be indifferent to you, you can go to a sound, a sweet potato search, there are many classic emotional statements.


2, the mask number, can be understood as the original, extract some emotional number or peer audio material, and then find a similar length of the vegetarian video, in the editing software to add mask effects to the vegetarian, three elements of the combination of video, do for a period of time, after the powder can be added to a collection, the micro signal written in the collection name drainage is a good choice.

Emotional counseling track side project, teach you in the short video platform accurate drainage to win customers, gameplay selfless share to you

3. Mixed cut number. Mixed cut number is actually similar to mask number. Extract some emotion number audio, or use AI dubbing software to make emotion audio, and then combine with some real scenery material or emotional movie clips to make videos.


4, the real population broadcast number, which is very easy to understand, is to be an emotional IP blogger to shoot videos in the way of personal appearance, to share related knowledge in the emotional field, so as to achieve the purpose of attracting emotional customers.

The above four ways do not have to worry about the content, short video platform and little sweet potato have a lot of emotion-related content, must find on the popular material or topic, on the popular material repeated use will still have a lot of traffic, the core is to choose popular material, do a good job of each video, multiple accounts batch release, the current fast-paced era,

The problem of the relationship will only be more and more, the market demand is large, but the practitioners are few, so the emotional field is definitely worth digging the track.


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