

Today share a special to help others do paper check heavy side project, a single less than ten dollars, a month can easily make two, thirty thousand, now many colleges approaching internship graduation season, all the students need to use paper check heavy, you can aim at this small business opportunity, plus some drainage video, drainage methods and skills, you can do.

First, project introduction

Now there are a lot of paper on the market to check the platform, just in a treasure can also let others to check the weight, the price generally needs 30 to 50, in the price is a little bit expensive, and we can price ten pieces, so in the price is very advantageous, on the market has long been free paper check heavy software, but many people do not know, in order to develop and promote the platform in the early stage,

To compete with their peers, they use it for free first, and then charge for it when the number of users grows, so essentially they take advantage of the information gap.


In addition to providing the paper review, the user also gives some academic materials as gifts. These materials are bought in advance in electronic version, and they are the kind that we can use. The cost is less than 10 yuan, the paper review is solved, and the academic materials are received.

It's basically a zero cost startup project.

Second, project requirements

Now every year our undergraduate, master, doctor graduates, all units in-service scientific research management personnel, civil servants, professors, law, medicine, nursing these need national recognition certificate post promotion rating, also need to write papers, journals, magazines and so on, also need to check, that is to say more than 10 million people a year need paper check, normal detection of 20 pieces a day,

Papers are tested three times a day for an average of 60 yuan, and the market size has exceeded 1.4 billion yuan.

In a certain degree index search paper check is not a small number of people, now almost all papers need to check, because paper fraud will be included in the credit, the peak of the industry, college graduation from 3 to November, professional title paper check peak in August to October, data reflect the project can be done for a long time, rather than do one or two months on the stop.


Third, how to operate

Now the heavy market has several big giants, want to do a heavy system to re-enter the market, for ordinary people is not realistic, but can do the downstream market, do a tool person, with free tools to help others with the project, the most important thing is how to find the target customers, many people want to graduate early, where to know college students, who will come to me to check heavy.

Paper check is online operation, do not need offline communication, so we only need to solve how to find target customers, how to drainage is good, here to provide you with several very practical methods.

Fourth, drainage method:

The first kind, go to each school to do something, search the name of each university in the penguin group, and then apply to join, such as search Jiangsu University, there are 440,000 people, which 1000 graduates, do some stunt in it, free to help check heavy and so on, the graduates drainage to their friends.

Fission, tell the drainage to the students, as long as the introduction of how many people to send free check heavy, half price check heavy, can also send academic information, this need to check the paper of students, all around us are our customers, as long as the service attitude to do a good job, more for each other to consider, can provide graduation services are provided, resume template, recruitment skills.

Successful alumni transfer introduction, customers naturally accumulate more and more, roommate classmates are writing papers, it is easy to spread, and so on when the next class of students meet the paper review, will also ask the elder, elder sister how to do.

Second, short video and graphic platform, short video and a sweet potato is undoubtedly one of the apps that people stay for the longest time at present, and the traffic is very large, register several accounts, share as seniors and seniors, share the experience of writing papers can attract a large number of fans, if you do not want to do an account, you can also use the way to intercept to divert to related videos.

Comment on some attractive copywriting below and ask others to add you.

Third, accept students, use the student resources after the transaction, every day in the circle of friends to send income chart, accept a few students from other schools to be apprentices, he received the list you do, and then give the apprentice certain dividends, you can also put your hand free check heavy tools package, one-time sell to him, the premise is that he and you do not conflict of interest,

I'm available for free review tools.


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