

Today I would like to share with you a sideline project of a jelly treasure box low-cost tissue, and now there are some people doing it, and some in training, I also studied the next side, and then sorted out the project ideas and gameplay, here also share with you, see the details below!

First, the introduction of the paper towel project

This project is a form of S-order acquiesce of the platform. In order to sell their own products, many merchants set one of the products in the store as a relatively cheap price of tissue paper, and then there will be a special platform or group to promote sales for them. When the sales volume is high, more people will buy products.

In this way, the users can buy the products cheaply, the merchants rush the single amount, and the people who build groups to share the paper towel also earn the commission. All three parties win!

The second, paper towel cash way

1, self-selling, low price mass paper towels and then to sell paper towels to earn the difference, can be multi operation!

Single number a day can be dozens of mention!

Low price, not worry about selling!

2, build a group, build their own group promotion, let others to order paper towels.

Users make about 0.5 profit on each order!

One of my friends reported that he built a precise fan group of 500 people, which can produce about 320 yuan of income every day!

Prepare a wechat trumpet for automatic order issuance, download and register the exclusive app. If you shop by yourself at ordinary times, you can also get a coupon in this app before buying!

Own 0 yuan to buy a product, full return, establish a good hair shopping link group.

3. Get familiar with the app, click on my → cloud issuance → authorized account → log in to wechat to issue orders → select which group to release, click on the source group on the home page, select a group of paper towels, and click on the lower right corner to follow the group!

Third, operational gameplay

1. Introductory gameplay

For example, if you place an order of 6.9 meters, you will return 5 meters if you receive a good response. That is to say, the cost of a single paper is 1.9 meters. There are other specifications, and the basic unit price is about 1.9-2.9, but it is not the real cost, because we also need to eat the commission of paper, such as 1.9 paper.
线报群返利以及下单技巧,现在玩的低价值都是好评返纸,比如下单6.9米,到货好评返5米,也就是说一单纸成本是1.9 米,还有其他的规格,基本单价在1.9-2.9左右,但并不是真实成本,因为我们还要吃纸的返佣,比如1.9 的纸,

There will be a commission at the backstage of the jelly box (as shown below).


There are express rebates, so you need to talk about post stations by yourself. The express rebates are divided into regions and different in each region. For example, the rebate for Xi 'an post station can be 0.6, while the price of sorting warehouse and Yunbin will be higher.
吃到返佣以后成本在1.4 左右,还有快递返佣,需要自己去谈驿站,快递返佣分地区,每个地区快递返佣不同,像西安驿站返佣能给到0.6,分拣仓、云仓价格会更高一点,看个人资源,比如快递返佣0.6米,到货结算,成本价格就做到了8毛六包纸,

A pack of paper costs about 13 cents, basically can sell 3-4 pieces, this is the general logic, different specifications, different prices.
一包纸成本1毛3左右,基本能卖3-4 块,这是大概的逻辑,不同规格、不同价格。


How to operate

Download and open the Jelly treasure box APP, click my in the lower right corner of the screen, pull down the page, find the cloud invoice, and click enter the cloud invoice, after entering the prompt to log in wechat, click log in wechat will pop up the two-dimensional code, mobile phones have the screenshot function, save the two-dimensional code screenshot to the album.


Open wechat, send the screenshot of the QR code just saved from the album to wechat on another mobile phone, then use the rear camera of your mobile phone, open wechat scan, scan the screenshot just sent, at this time will prompt Mac wechat login confirmation, do not click automatic synchronization message, directly click login.

After logging in, return to the Jelly Treasure Box APP, and you can see that you have logged in the cloud invoice. Normally, a person does not have two mobile phones, so you can send it to the computer or a friend's phone, and send the screenshot of the QR code to them. Then you can use your wechat to scan the QR code sent to them.


App store directly search jelly treasure box download registration, you need to pull a wechat group to save to the address book, still don't understand how to operate, you can look at the cloud order inside the tutorial, before placing an order to send the code to the merchant, to prevent the next time can not find the merchant, there are a lot of detailed tutorials in the course, you can have a look.

果冻宝盒低价撸纸巾副业思路,涵盖销售详细教程,玩法无私分享给你 果冻宝盒低价撸纸巾副业思路,涵盖销售详细教程,玩法无私分享给你

In the process of doing there are a lot of businesses do not need praise screenshots and code, so first to find businesses to red envelope, if businesses want we provide to businesses, save a lot of things, Sunday is not good grab single, need to squat to grab, a wechat a day can probably under 40-50 single about, is the entry-level tutorial and the general idea of paper and rebate ideas.

2. Advanced gameplay

Advanced need multiple devices and multiple accounts, the mobile phone requirements are not high, about 200 Android can be used, synchronization under the single synchronizer is good, we use the synchronizer is sworn, many have to sell, this is the advanced single order play, the paper is to arrive is to be sorting and repackaging, buy sealing machine, tissue bag, a single row of 8 packs.

At the beginning of the market is mainly small catering (breakfast shop, Sichuan and Hunan cuisine, noodle shop, hot pot restaurant, etc.), it is best to cooperate with the boss for a long time, stable to send paper to the boss, a noodle shop about 20 packets of paper a day, early run market is still very good to do, later can go to school and small business super resources, early hard run market late eat a lifetime.
销路刚开始主要还是小餐饮(早餐店、川湘菜、 面馆、火锅店等等),最好是和老板长期合作,稳定给老板送纸,一家面馆大概一天20包纸,前期多跑跑市场还是很好做的,后期可以去学校和小商超资源,前期辛苦跑市场后期吃一辈子。


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