

Now many of the 70's and 80's cashing out is focused on feelings, the 90's cashing out is focused on interests, so how should the new generation of post-00s group cash in the end? The following project is just for the post-00s, or even after 10 years, is the signature photos of stars.

First, project introduction

Many people often envy friends have a star photo or signature, but many people do not know the star signature photos can be mass production and copy, and the price is very cheap, may be after 90, 80 after the basic will not want, but after 100 and 100 groups, as long as it is a star or rice circle fans, the basic will see to buy.

The basic customer price is low, the order rate is more than 50%, and there are repurchase, the operation is also very simple, directly release the star gossip content, you can go to a hot search to find, and then the first time combined with some of the star's online video materials can be released, there is a hot spot on the hot spot, no hot spot on the release of gossip, or the star dancing, singing videos and so on.

Second, how to cash

1, the sale of signature photos, this way is quite efficient at present, both with the number of attributes, but also very easy to do transformation, the star choose popular which several flow stars on the line, the supply can be searched by salt fish, fight night and night.


2, the rice circle cooperation, help release information and other information, this is a lot of a broad number of realization of a way, the rice circle or brokerage in order to help their own love beans heat, will batch find account cooperation, release information, etc., in fact, this project has been decades ago, but at that time may be more real signature photos, or poster picture.


Extended to today, this kind of rice circle culture actually belongs to a new type of entertainment industry, with great consumption potential and market, and later can also do private domain, can do two, three transformation, can also extend the product, such as peripheral posters, tickets, etc. At present, there are still quite a lot of people doing, also proves that this market's ability to attract money.

Third, extend the idea

1, the design of signature broadcast room, no show, no goods, no PK broadcast room, a month can also easily over ten thousand, and the signature is not handwritten, through a software can be completed, so even if the word is not beautiful, it does not matter, the broadcast room needs to prepare a tablet computer, capacitor pen, live bracket, but also need to download painting software,

Tutorials and the software and tools you need can come to me, and after learning, you can directly broadcast.


2, how to operate, a few days before the broadcast of the first works to warm up and attract fans, copywriting can refer to the peer hair, when the audience enters the broadcast room to guide the point of attention, leave their own name or want to write the name, you can extract fans to send exclusive design signature for free, only fans have this benefit, guide the audience to like, often interactive fans can be trained to become administrators, more interaction in the broadcast room,

Quickly increase the popularity of the broadcast room, get more traffic, but also to extend the audience's stay time.


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