

Today, share a sideline idea, many college students are doing sideline, an east household appliance generation order project, the project is very stable, the following is to disassemble an East household appliance generation order project introduction and specific play.

First, project introduction

In fact, an east household appliance placing order is to use the internal channel of the platform to help customers with household appliance purchase needs to place an order to buy products. It is more than half cheaper than customers to buy by themselves. Customers can save a lot of money.

We can also make profit from the difference, I believe you are very curious, there is a huge difference in the internal channels to take goods, like this household appliances directly operated physical stores, you should have seen (picture from the network).


Many cities have joined an east physical store, the owner will have an internal account to enjoy an east home appliance purchase price, that is, the industry is known as the token price, the integration of these entity owner channels, derived from the home appliance consignment project,

For some big-brand washing machines, if the order is placed at token price, it can be almost half cheaper. If the price is increased by 1000, there will be 1000 profit. Meanwhile, the customer can save a lot of money, which is win-win.

The second, token channel

The simple way is to find a price on the Internet on the home resources, all kinds of resources on the network are mixed, you need to have a certain screening ability, prevent being cheated, the safest way is to find a line of east home appliances boss to talk about cooperation, do resource integration,

In this way, we can get the token price channel at a very low cost, and we need to have certain resource integration ability. Doing this link well will help expand the business in the later stage. We have no channel at present, but we have an official account of a domestic marketing company to share with you.


Third, where to find the customer

1, a certain tone, a certain hand

Practitioners of Dongdong Household Appliance Generation are mainly attracted by short video platforms. Some are real people shooting short videos to introduce the ordering principle of household appliance generation, product categories and price difference comparison. Some release graphic materials to show internal price advantage in the form of product price comparison to achieve the purpose of attracting customers.

2. Baby sweet potato

The platform can also use the above two methods to show the price advantage, the overall exposure is still quite high, the customer effect is also good.

3. Salted fish

Salty fish platform to get customers are very different, real life shooting is very simple, do product pictures and price pictures is not difficult, batch operation on the line, someone to consult to find a way to add to the circle of friends, solve the good trust, do a good job of follow-up delivery, this year who has the need to buy electrical appliances.


4. Make videos to explain the history of each household appliance brand, or tell the story of the founder of the household appliance brand, explain some new and strange household appliance products, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the products, which may have unexpected effects.

An east electric appliance generation order project is still good, can long-term development of the project, if also can dig out the line under the customer play, bring profits will be higher, also easier to deal, the newly renovated large residential area, home appliances procurement demand is very large, offline profit estimates than online will be higher, offline promotion actual friends can try.


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