

Want to do a cash strong personal IP account, only need to send the following three aspects of the content can be.

First, people set up face

It's all about who you are, what you've been through, what your label is, what you're doing, what you've achieved, what value you can offer. In short, it's about learning to tell a story, and telling your story well.

Before, I saw an account dedicated to incubating super individuals. I told him that during the mask period, he reduced the size of the company from 600 employees to 60 employees, and then built himself into a super individual, bringing the company to 30 million yuan a year.

Those who fall to the bottom of the inspirational story can always be particularly attractive, tell the story well, can attract some of the story has resonance, or with you have the same experience and experience, the story can make personal IP more distinct and vivid.


Second, the value side

Output content of value to users, let users recognize the value and professionalism, implant IP into their mind, so as to stimulate the willingness to pay for you, such as opening a dental clinic, value side to provide advice on dental health, how to brush teeth properly, how to keep mouth clean, how to do dental orthodontics, professional image deeply rooted in people's hearts, users dare to come to see your teeth.

Third, the product side

What are the products and services, can solve the problems of most people, how much is the price, consumer praise and feedback, the clinic service items, medical equipment and medical team can be shared on the product side, so that users can understand the strength and professionalism of the clinic, but also can share treatment cases and effect display, so that users better understand the clinic treatment effect, increase user trust.

The above three parts are a set of combined fists. Life reflects reliable trust, value reflects professional strength, and product reflects what kind of problems can be solved. While helping you shape your personal IP influence, it can also help you achieve high business value.


Fourth, release time

A note released in different time periods, really will affect the flow, each time cut video can not wait to release out, the results of the data is very bleak, and then the test notes the best release period, each time fixed in that time period, data by a leap, the following share little red little sweet potato notes in a few points more easy to become explosive.

1. From 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., on the way to work, especially on the subway or taking a taxi, I will turn on my phone and watch videos. Even if I am too short to finish them, as long as my notes are valuable, I will save them.

2, 12 to 2 o 'clock at noon, generally during lunch break, after eating a meal brush video leisure, after a morning of work and brainstorming, the brain is very tired, do not send some learning, reading notes, you can send some make people smile, such as pets, or let people look very cured, home life class, stall class notes.

3. From 6 PM to 10 PM, go home from work, this time is the peak traffic period, relax mood or improve skills can be sent, beauty, wear, entertainment, food and so on, more than 90% of the track can be sent notes in this time.


Fifth, tips

Three time periods, and then to test notes in which time point is more appropriate, such as 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., you can try 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 to send, test a few times, slowly you can choose a relatively good flow point, later fixed time point, to reserve 10 to 30 minutes of review time for notes,

If it is not reviewed after 30 minutes, the notes can be urged to review.


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