blender video tutorial self-taught introduction to mastering the basics of modeling render sculpting textures with subtitles
Course list:
01 A comprehensive tutorial on the Basics of Blender
01 Blender基本原理全面教程
02 Example Modeling Tutorial for Blender Little Dinosaur
02 Blender建模实例教程小恐龙
03 Blender Full Set of tutorials
03 Blender全套教程
04 Blender Material Lighting Tutorial Apple Tutorial
04 Blender材质灯光教程苹果教程
05Blender Texture, UV, baking process tutorial
06 Create your first full set of Chicken character animations in blender
07 Blender 2.9 Futuristic Sci-fi Style Animation full set of tutorials
07 Blender 2.9未来科幻风格动画全套教程
08 Blender2.91 Bottle product Process - Modeling material lighting animation full set of tutorials
08 Blender2.91酒瓶产品全流程-建模材质照明动画全套教程
09 Blender2.79 Sculpting tutorial
09 Blender2.79雕刻教程
10 Blender2.9 Dynamic Drawing comprehensive tutorial
10 Blender2.9动态绘制全面教程
11 Full tutorial on rendering optimization Cycles in Blender
11 Blender渲染器Cycles渲染优化全套教程
12 A complete tutorial on Modeling in Blender
12 Blender建模全套教程