


Today, I would like to share with you the resource integration files for two minor sideline projects, online ticket selling and selling Tianya Forum posts. Below, I will share with you how to do it.


First, online ticket selling


The main thing we do is sell tickets, such as concert tickets for many pop stars such as Jay Chou, Wang Feng, and Eason Chan. We all know that this is something that can be met but not demanded. Especially for the performances of popular pop stars, it is even more difficult to obtain one ticket, which has led to higher ticket prices.


Many people will have questions. Since no one else can get tickets, where do we go to get them? First, we can go to a platform such as Youyu and Duoduo to find ticket resources. After finding them, we only need to go to a platform such as Hongshu and Yinyin to publish concert videos or related works to obtain traffic.



"We also need a normal account number to ensure the quality of the account, so that we can more easily obtain traffic. The ticket resources we find usually vary from 400 to several thousand higher than the original ones, and we only need to increase the price on this basis. It is common to increase the price by several thousand for a good location. The more popular the star, the higher the premium, and there is no need to worry about the lack of market issues.".


Another revenue method is group buying, where a link is placed in the lower left corner of the video. If users purchase, we can obtain commissions. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to handle it at all, and only need to publish the video to earn commissions. The disadvantage is that it is not as profitable as doing it yourself.


Overall, the project is a problem of poor information, but we must find a reliable and stable source of supply. As long as there is a source of supply with its own flow, it is not difficult.


Second, sell forum posts


Unusual projects can earn 500+yuan per day at zero cost. We all know that the only cost of virtual projects is time. As long as there is traffic, it is earned. These tracks all bring traffic, which is the resource integration file for selling Tianya Forum posts.


In the early years, if anyone did not know about the Tianya Forum website, it would not keep up with the trend. More than 20 years ago, it was favored by many users. This forum has collected many memorable posts, including a wide range of aspects, such as metaphysics, adventure, and so on. This topic itself brings curious topics.



What we need to do is download these posts and make them into images, and post them on various platforms with huge traffic to attract users who want to see the original posts. When users come to us, we can attract fans, and then package and sell these post resources, typically ranging from 10 to 30 yuan.


The revenue method can be realized differently for different users. Generally speaking, fans who are willing to purchase and Baipai can be divided into Baipai users. Baipai users can use the online disk pull new method, which has also been shared before. You can take a look at the overall process and there will be no waste.


Overall, the project has no cost, just needs to integrate resources, and everything needs everyone to take time to precipitate. Interested friends may as well try it. There is a 50% chance of success if you have tried, but there is no chance if you don't try.

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