


Many small partners want to do some part-time sideline work and earn some pocket money in their spare time, but they don't know where to start. Today, they will share a simple and easy PPT sideline project.


It's super simple. One person can earn three or five hundred yuan per day with one computer. Below, I'll tell you all about production methods, order receiving channels, rice earning methods, and how to learn. As long as you're not lazy, you can earn money. Of course, I also prepared a systematic advanced PPT tutorial.


First, project introduction


The simplest way to earn money from PPT is to help others make PPT. Novice Xiaobai starts with simple production, which does not require too much complexity, but the fee is relatively lower, about 20 to 30 yuan per page. When you gradually become a big guy, or you are already a big guy, you can make it more exquisite, and the fee will also be relatively increased, which can reach more than 100 yuan per page.



If you are a bit more ambitious, you can receive enterprise orders at a price that is three times the original price, and there are many owners. Generally, the PPT for enterprise product introductions requires about 30 pages, and there are also PPT templates. Upload the completed templates to the platform for sale, and if someone downloads them, you can obtain the revenue unit price.


Second, how to operate


The PPT production method is very simple. If you haven't touched the PPT before, you can take a look at the tutorials of many bloggers on a certain audio and a certain website. You can get started in three days, and then recommend several PPT template websites for everyone, which are extremely convenient to use.



Every time I make a PPT, I waste a lot of time looking for a beautiful template. It's hard to find one I like, but I have to pay for it when downloading. Below are ten websites that achieve PPT freedom, including template materials, icons, and fonts. (Find me for a website link)


1. The PPT supermarket has a large number of free PPT templates, with concise pages and no advertising. The key is to download directly without logging in. It is super convenient, with rich templates and beautiful styles, covering all walks of life, and basically meeting daily needs.

2、office plus,专门为职场人量身打造的网站,可以下载商务报告、年终总结、毕业答辩、个人简历,只需要看免费专区,模板都可以免费用,款式超多,免费实现PPT自由。

2、office plus,专门为职场人量身打造的网站,可以下载商务报告、年终总结、毕业答辩、个人简历,只需要看免费专区,模板都可以免费用,款式超多,免费实现PPT自由。


3. Dingdang design, not only has high-quality PPT templates, one click free download, but also many PPT tutorials that can be learned while doing, and can make beautiful PPTs. It really adds points in the workplace.


4、Just free slide,这是一个国外的PPT模板网站,对版面设计要求比较高的小伙伴可以用它,保证符合你的审美,尤其适合外企大公司,谁都不会相信这么高大上的PPT都是免费的

4、Just free slide,这是一个国外的PPT模板网站,对版面设计要求比较高的小伙伴可以用它,保证符合你的审美,尤其适合外企大公司,谁都不会相信这么高大上的PPT都是免费的


5. The 51PPT template, despite its ugly homepage, is easy to use. There are over 8000 free PPT templates, which are super versatile and powerful enough to make it a PPT hit every second.

6、pptfans,4000多个免费 ppt 模板,设计好看质量高



7. Youpin PPT, an emotional template website

8、ppt宝藏,不仅可以下载 ppt , ppt 图表、背景、素材、教程、特效全都

8. Ppt treasure trove, not only can you download ppt, ppt charts, backgrounds, materials, tutorials, special effects, all

9、ppt之家,风格巨多,还可以下载 ppt 音乐

9. Home of ppt, with many styles, and ppt music can also be downloaded

10、第1ppt,分类详细,行业 ppt 、课件 ppt 、节日 ppt都有

10. The first ppt is classified in detail, including industry ppt, courseware ppt, and festival ppt


To create your own PPT, you definitely need a large amount of material to enrich and beautify it. Here, Qun Ge has also collected some PPT material websites, including free and commercially available copycat websites, PPT color matching websites, and plug-ins for how to create a beautiful layout. You can also go to Little Sweet Potato to to search for templates.



A lot of learning begins with imitation. When you encounter a beautiful design, remember to use your brain to change it. Imitation does not mean plagiarism. When you have a PPT template, you can also make PPTs yourself, so where should you go to receive orders.


Third, order receiving platform


1. Rice husk, a platform that focuses on PPT, has a large amount of template downloads. If you want to publish templates in rice husk, it is important to note that the fonts and image materials in the template cannot create copyright issues. In addition to PPT, you can also upload resumes, posters, and other designs here.


2. In addition to PPT templates, you can also upload other design works, and e-commerce design works are more popular.


3. Maker Posts: Maker Posts are a platform that focuses on customization. There are many high priced and high-quality PPT design forms in it. When you receive orders, you must be optimistic about the design requirements. The volume will be very large at the end of each semester. If you are making PPT customization, you can go to a certain website to find a business partner or register as a designer.

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