


In the past, people used to pursue large and comprehensive projects, but now they basically focus on "small and refined" projects. When you achieve the ultimate in a specific segment, you will find that you actually make more money.


In the era of self media, it is impossible to overstate the fact that there are projects everywhere. Everything can be sold as long as you find a product that suits you, and then work hard to do it well. I believe you will get a lot of things.


Taking the project shared today as an example, it is very unpopular, but on the other hand, it belongs to a rigid and just needed project - engagement book production.


Engagement books are no stranger to everyone. They have existed since ancient times, and both men and women will basically use them when they reach the age of marriage, so the market opens up.


There are basically shadows of this project in known we-media platforms, but the best effect is currently Xiaohongshu. After all, Xiaohongshu's graphic and textual display effect is incomparable with other we-media platforms, and it looks very comfortable. Let's take a brief look:



Currently, there are few bloggers working in this field, belonging to a blue ocean project. After all, more than 80% of partners are married and start a family. In addition, the cost of this kind of production is not high, and the profit is relatively good. The profit per order can reach 100+. Every day, one order can earn 100 yuan through short video, and a month can also make 3000 yuan.


As we all know, engagement is a joyous event, and customized prices are therefore more auspicious, such as 88, 99, 128, 168, 188, and so on.


Let's simply look at an account:



This is a work released in March. The market demand can be seen from the comments and interactions of this work. If you are interested, you can go and test it. The profit of a single order is still good,


Of course, it gives people a desire to buy with just two words: "handwriting". Handwriting looks more realistic and tall, so don't take handwriting seriously. When there are not many orders, it may still be handwritten. Do you think it's still handwritten after the order is placed? The published works are only for the purpose of showing the effect, otherwise who will pay for them.


For products that you are unfamiliar with, you can go directly to Pinxi and have a look. Search for "Handwritten Engagement Book" and you can see that you basically have the style and font you want, and the price range is within 20-30. Conversely, on other we-media platforms, the price of a handwritten engagement book is above 100, and the profit in the middle can be measured by yourself. You only need to be a "porter", and the daily profit is quite high.



Currently, I see a blogger who sold dozens of new models in a few days, with a profit of 100+yuan and almost several thousand yuan. You should know that many people only have 2-3 K per month at work.


Of course, we won't be limited to this "engagement book" through self media. Now that we're all engaged, should we prepare for other wedding matters? Everything that needs to be prepared should be prepared, such as red envelopes, tablecloths, Da Xi characters, carpets, and flowers. These are all extended markets. As long as you can serve them well, you will earn a lot from a customer.


To summarize in a simple sentence: For all projects and markets, when facing customers, you should first let them feel good before you feel good.


This concludes today's sharing. In general, "just needed projects, long-term operations, and long flowing streams."

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