


Today, I would like to share with you an extremely popular blue ocean game with video number and goods, the wrong printer project, which is currently played by relatively few people. It can be said that it is a popular track, but the overall conversion rate and turnover are very considerable.


First, project introduction


The wrong question printer is simply a device for printing wrong questions. The advantage is that it is relatively light and portable. It can be directly printed by connecting mobile phones. The device also has a professional question bank analysis function, which can improve the efficiency of learning. It can be said that it is the benefit of the student party. Go to search and see it. It is very attractive, and students' parents see that they buy one. The future market is very large.



Second, how to make video


The production is simple, and it can be scaled up in batches. Three or four orders a day can yield more than 100% of revenue. You can search for the wrong printer on the short video platform, download the watermark free video with the light shake applet toolbox, import the clip and image for the second time, and then publish it to the video number. The title is attached with the wrong printer, the mini wrong printer, the intelligent wrong printer and other key words.



But pay attention to the quality of the video. Don't cut it blindly and send it to the video number. Select the corresponding product in the selection center, and hang it when you release the video. You know that the video number with goods is completely different from a certain audio tape,


The video number needs to accumulate a certain amount of traffic in the early stage. The traffic is friends, because the traffic source of the video number is basically friends' likes in the early stage. Unless the video quality is very good, it will get some support.


Third, how to obtain traffic


You can go to a stall near the school, find some learning materials online and print them out. As long as you join the community, you can send the materials free of charge. At the same time, you can publish dry goods knowledge in the community every day, and the accurate flow will come,


No matter offline or online, bait is thrown to bring value to users and meet the needs of pain points. With target groups, products, and marketing scripts, as well as circle of friends, community, and video number communication, the framework is basically formed.


Maybe many people don't understand the relationship between the video number carrying goods and the community. If you want to focus on a large number of audience groups, their needs and pain points are very similar. If you organize them into a community, you can maximize the benefits, and you don't have to worry about realizing the flow.


The market price of the printer is between 100 and 300, and the price is relatively uniform, while the commission of the video number delivery center is between 20% and 30%, and the profit of a single order is between 40% and 50%. You can also set up your own store, or cooperate with the manufacturer, or copy it with the method of salted fish without supply, to see which one you prefer.



Selling goods through video number will also bring accurate traffic. After joining the community, you can sell tutorial materials, courseware, paper and pencil, learning bully materials, and so on. You can draw inferences from one example and use your imagination,


This type of product has high stickiness, such as internet communication, communication between classmates, communication between parents, and communication between friends. Moreover, it has a strong ability to repurchase. If it is broken or lost, it will buy another one.


The advantage of video numbers is that they are very widespread. Nowadays, people from the elderly to children can use WeChat. The video number splits quickly. As long as friends like the video, they will probably push it to their friends. The elderly basically don't use Tiktok, but they can use WeChat.


The core point of selling goods is not only the product itself, but also the dissemination. The fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. This sentence is wrong here. Selling products is to make every effort to let everyone know the benefits and advantages of the product. The more people know, the better.

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