


Today, I would like to share with you how Tiktok's new account quickly rose to 1000 fans, with zero cost


Recently, I began to study Tiktok, and found that it is very interesting to have a deep study of Tiktok, which can increase a lot of cognition and learn a lot of good skills.


The reason for the 1000 fans increase is that one of the requirements of Tiktok's official computer live broadcast software "Live Broadcast Companion" to apply for broadcast permission is to have 1000 fans, many of whom are not up to the standard. Therefore, Tiktok cannot open live broadcast, and cannot make money through Tiktok live broadcast.


This month, I registered a new Tiktok account, which will be used for live delivery later, so I need to reach 1000 fans first. At present, the price of 1000 powder increase through some third-party channels is 150-300 yuan, which will be completed within 24 hours, and after-sales service will be provided at the same time.


However, I did not choose this direct method, but used the zero-cost powder raising technique introduced today, and achieved good results, that is, mutual powder. Today, I would like to share with you two channels for free mutual promotion


The first is to search for rising fans in Tiktok. You can see that there are many search words related to rising fans in the drop-down box, indicating that many people are using this method.



Click on the live broadcast of pop up, and you will see that there are many beautiful women in the live broadcast, and the popularity is good. There are thousands of people online, and hundreds of thousands or even millions of likes (the old driver has seen the opportunity). After entering the live broadcast room, you will see that many people on the public screen of the live broadcast room are sending "make friends", "make friends with integrity" and other content to shake friends. These people just want to be popular.


At the beginning, we only need to pay attention to 50-100 people who specially send "make friends", "make friends in good faith" and other content in the live broadcast room. Generally, most of them will return to you. If there is no return on the day, you can return to him by private mail. One thing to note is that there is a ceiling on the number of people who pay attention to each day. Too many people will fail to pay attention. Some people will return to the next day if they run out of attention that day.



After a few days of this attention action, we open the "I" in Tiktok, and then add a friend, Tiktok will recommend some friends to you. This is the recommendation mechanism of Tiktok, which generally recommends people with common friends to you. We have followed hundreds of people these days, and their Tiktok friends are basically people who need to be fans, So we can also continue to pay attention to about 50-100 people here, and generally return to the close. At the same time, we can continue to pay attention to the live room to get more recommendations.



After the above two operations have lasted for about a week, you will find that you have been in the process of passive promotion. That is to say, you have been recommended by the system to other people who need to promote promotion. Generally, you need to open the live broadcast permission. In this way, you can basically reach 1000 fans in 10 days with your own attention and the attention. This is also what I have verified in practice. At present, my new account operation has more than 1000 fans.


The second method is to add a group of Tiktok fans to help each other through QQ or WeChat search. You can add more. After entering the group, many people will send works or accounts to praise, relate to and comment on each other. We can also do this. Everyone can help each other, raise fans, and create a popular content. It is easy to spend some time every day, add more groups, and add dozens of powder.



It is good to achieve zero cost powder raising effect through these two ways. If you need to do this, you can go to practice and see the effect on the same day.


If you want to do these two things, gradually increase the number of fans, and slowly produce quality content to attract the active attention of Tiktok friends, after reaching a certain amount, such as tens of thousands of fans, you will have the opportunity to turn some people into their own private desires for cash flow, and can also receive advertising, live streaming and other channels to earn income; It is also more conducive to generating popular content and realizing content, as long as you have enough fans.

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