


Tiktok is now one of the largest e-commerce platforms in China. Through the live broadcast and video delivery of countless talented anchors, the turnover of Tiktok e-commerce has grown rapidly.


Recently, I plan to continue to do Tiktok live broadcast with goods, so I have been studying deeply. I don't know how many children have shopping experience in Tiktok. In fact, some products in Tiktok can be obtained without paying a penny.


Next, we will reveal the secret of this method. At present, some people use this method to roll out Tiktok products in batches, and it basically costs nothing, but this method is not effective for all products.


In fact, all the kids who have done live broadcast with goods should know that as long as there are many products with goods on the market, it is not an exclusive channel, such as wireless Bluetooth headsets, fruit Sachima, kitchen knives, etc; What kind of product is not available? One is well-known brands, and the other is those that sell for more than 100 yuan. Famous brands are usually directly cooperated with major anchors and manufacturers, and small anchors can't get such products.


Generally, we need samples to carry goods. After we get the samples, we will show them in the live broadcast room, and then go on the shelf to explain and sell them. This is basically the case. So here is the key point. How to get the samples?


In fact, many small Tiktok stores have professional operations. They are specialized in connecting with various talent anchors to bring goods, that is, developing channels. How can we get in touch? In fact, it's very simple. For example, when you see a fruit Sachima in a live broadcast room, you want to buy it. Don't panic. All time limited seconds are bragging. You can buy it in his shop window, so don't panic at this time. Go to contact customer service first.


Go to the product details page through the Xiaohuang car in the live broadcast room, and then click "customer service". After you go in, you will say to the customer service: Hello, I am a talent anchor, and I want to bring you this product. How can I contact you? Generally, customer service will let you send contact information or contact information to you, usually to WeChat, so that you can add to their operation or their operation will add you.



After adding the operation, you ask him how much the commission is for this product? He will tell you, and then you will ask him if he has any samples. Basically, he will ask you to give an address, and then he will deliver the goods to you. In this way, the products will be sold directly at zero cost. This method is effective after my personal test.

抖音0成本撸好物 抖音0成本撸好物


However, this way is a bit immoral to tell the truth. It's a direct whoring. I don't recommend you to do this. I just found it more interesting, so I sent it to you.


However, some people are operating this in batches, and they will do it no matter what products they encounter, and then hang some of them directly to salted fish or friends' circles to sell. For example, there are 39.9 and 49.9 similar kitchen knives on Tiktok, which is very practical, and it is easy to sell them on salted fish.

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