


Today, I would like to share with you the recent hot blue ocean project of the cuttlefish, which can be easily operated without brain. The daily income of 100 is basically zero cost. Let's disassemble it.


First, project introduction


In fact, it is a sideline of moving bricks in the early stage and laying bricks in the later stage. The project platform has increased its promotion efforts and readjusted some policies. Personally, it is more awesome. It is a recently popular project of the Moldfish Blue Sea, which explains a certain degree of question answering welfare activities. The key is that the platform now has rewards. As long as you answer questions diligently, there will be income. The large platform is relatively stable, the income settlement is relatively timely, and you can also operate multiple numbers.


Second, specific operation


1. Register an account, search for a certain degree of cuttlefish on WeChat, enter the creation center, reply a number 1 to open the store, and a certain degree of general account is the buyer, and can also be associated with login.


2. To open a store, you may need to confirm your identity. Follow its steps to prompt you to open it. Real-name authentication is OK. Generally, the data will be reviewed for one to three working days, either for individuals or enterprises. After the review, relevant information will be found in the background personal center,


He will have a lot of tasks of this benefit. You can see a lot of tasks in the task center. You can upload documents and data according to the task requirements. As long as you pass the review, you can get a commission. A task can vary from 50 cents to 3 yuan.



Take the third grade math problem as an example, we can find the corresponding information on other platforms through keywords, and then upload it. There can be no sensitive brand promotion and other illegal ways. Some words should be noted, and can be uploaded after confirming that the format is correct,


You can also choose tasks according to your interests and hobbies. If you don't understand, you can search on other platforms. Search keywords through the search engine to find the corresponding content. Select 30 words from them and put them together.


This project can be combined with the recently popular AI chat tool GATgpt, which is more efficient. You can get answers directly in it. You can use this tool to get answers. When the number of days uploaded this month and the number of documents uploaded reach a certain number, the platform will have some additional rewards. The more tasks completed, the more income each month will definitely be.


Third, precautions


This kind of creative activity will be updated every three days. Each time, there are about thousands of pieces. The maximum upload limit is 500 pieces per day. We should grasp the base. According to this value, we can earn 1000 yuan in theory per day. If we want more income, we can operate in batches. We must achieve the desired income in batches to do brick moving projects,


If it is only used as a sideline or part-time operation, two or three thousand yuan a month can be used. Depending on your own operation, the project is suitable for the newcomer Xiaobai. There is no investment cost. It only needs to be executed, plus the accumulation process.

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未经允许不得转载:网创指引人 » 百度墨斗鱼蓝海项目思路,零成本轻松无脑操作日入100+,玩法分享给有缘人!
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