


Today, I will tell you about the sideline project of picture handling, which is very simple to operate and easy to achieve 300+daily income. It is really a good sideline.


First, project introduction


Recently, I posted some dynamic landscape pictures on a certain audio channel. I found such business opportunities when I was looking for material. Look at the figure below. These accounts have just been established for a while, but their on-demand data is very good. This logic is very simple. As long as I find the content recommended by the platform, the data will not be bad. So its main idea is to carry pictures.



Second, how to realize


It is a program. As long as you upload pictures in it, others download and use it, or you pay when you want to do business. This is the simplest way to cash in. If you want to buy other people's pictures, you need to pay, or you want to reward the author. If you think the pictures of other people are good, you can reward them, or you can directly hang things in the window. After the pictures and videos burst, you can set up a top window link in the comment area.


Third, how to operate


1. For details, there are more than 100 downloads of such pictures, which is equivalent to more than 100 people who like them. The minimum amount of reward is one yuan. If calculated by one yuan, a group of pictures also has more than 100 benefits.


2. Operation: After downloading a certain audio app, click the plus sign in the middle, and then release the video and text content. Be sure to check the picture shelf on the shelf to earn profits. The description of the copy must be as vivid as possible. It is recommended to publish more than 100 words, and then with a more grounded title, make a good account, their title and copy can be imitated.



3. Tuchong, I believe that many people have used it, and it is also a good and relatively large image platform. I try to upload a submission. The process is fast and easy. The key is the volume. The larger the volume, the more exposure opportunities, the easier it is to get a deal reward. How can so many original images come from, as we said before, and many other image platforms directly move it, The most important thing to pay attention to when uploading such pictures is copyright.



If you find it too troublesome to find it, you can also download this set of pictures for a few or dozens of dollars. It is very simple. You can also search for people's landscapes. A lot of different categories can be proved to have not been used as long as you upload them without prompting for repetition. If you like photography or are a photographer, it must be a very good cash-out platform,


As long as you insist on uploading pictures every day, you can get profits. For some commercial products, the price is 40 yuan per piece and 150 yuan for five. The specific price is very high. The specific process is to click the picture I want to sell, and then upload my own information and representative works. After review, it can be realized.



Fourth, project summary


The realization idea is really good. It can be copied from home, and it can also be copied from abroad or put domestic pictures abroad. After all, there are regional differences. The platform has more than 80 million visits every month, and the number of paid members is 20 to 30 million. The base is very large, similar to the domestic common material network, and after people download it,


You can also get US $0.05 to US $0.5. The profit is very good. Many platforms can try to operate. As long as you stick to it, it is very easy to get 300+on the same day. Because this kind of vertical data, data, postgraduate entrance examination, and some other data are all vertical virtual data. Finally, you need to find your own model, stick to it, and realize the profit.

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未经允许不得转载:网创指引人 » 图片搬运小副业思路,简单操作日入300+,实操与变现玩法无私分享给你!
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